Say It Aint So

Its with heavy hearts but fond memories we say goodbye to the master of the beats, keeper of the rhythm and time, our drummer Kevin! Over the years he was a major part of our sound and song writing. He will be greatly missed, but he will live on in our music. Good luck in the future my friend and we will see you out there!
A message from Kevin to you......
“…and now I say goodbye and raise a glass to you…”

The past 12 years in this band have given me a lifetime of great memories. I was able to share the stage with amazing musicians and incredible friends. Hundreds of shows at bars, pubs, casinos, festivals, fairs, Faires, TV studios, a nudist resort, a hockey arena, House of Blues, San Francisco, Vegas….The Metro in Chicago.

I have to move on now but I want to tell my band mates that they’ve always got a friend and a fan here. These years spent making and playing music with you have been some of the best of my life. Thank you to my family for all your encouragement and support. I couldn’t have done any of it without all of you. Thanks to my wife Valerie for her never ending love and patience.

To Blaggers past and present, to anyone that watched, listened, followed or supported….thank you so much!

Your pal,

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